Apr 22, 2024
Earth Day is the annual observance that recognizes the importance of protecting the planet and its resources. Prince George Electric Cooperative wants to help you participate in the celebration on April 22 with clean initiatives that will also make your life easier.
Here are two small things that you can do to save and reduce your carbon footprint this year:
AutoPay: Automatically paying your bills electronically each month with debit/credit card autopay or bank draft. This not only saves you the hassle of worrying about whether your payment has been received, but it eliminates the need to write and mail paper checks.
Paperless billing: PGEC can also help you reduce your paper usage through paperless billing. Opting to receive your bill via email each month is both member friendly and earth friendly. At PGEC, we mail more than 11,000 bills each month. That’s more than 132,000 bills each year. Imagine how much we can reduce that number with your help.
You can activate either of these features via SmartHub – the one-stop-shop for your account management needs. Download SmartHub app from the App Store (iOS) or GooglePlay (Android). The free Smart Hub app makes it easy to pay your bill, monitor usage, compare usage, report outages and much more!