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Co-op employees clear 1,300 pounds of trash in annual Adopt-A-Highway Program

Oct 20, 2023

One of the many ways Prince George Electric Cooperative gives back to the community is through its employee volunteer program.  Annually, PGEC partners with the Adopt-A-Highway Program to collect trash along George Town, Spring Hill, Shingleton, Beaver Dam and parts of Walnut Hill Road. 

This year more than 60 employees cleared a total of 1,280 pounds of trash and

debris along the 12-mile stretch surrounding the co-op’s headquarter office.

“This tradition reminds each of our employees of our larger mission of the co-op is to help make our corner of the world a better place,” said Sarat Yellepeddi, the co-op’s president and CEO. 

For more information about how PGEC gives back to your local community, visit

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7103 General Mahone Highway

Waverly, VA  23890


5718 Courthouse Rd

Prince George, VA  23875

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Monday through Friday

9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Phone:  804-834-2424

Fax: 804-834-8217

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P.O. Box 168

Waverly, VA  23890

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