Oct 28, 2024
Power line safety is one of the most serious issues a utility lineman faces daily. However, they are not the only ones who may encounter live power wires. Last week, Prince George Electric Cooperative had the pleasure of hosting its first responder live demo and hazard recognition training for more than 20 local responders of Wakefield Volunteer Fire Department, Jarratt Volunteer Fire Department, Waverly Rescue Squad, Sussex County Fire & Rescue, Prince George Co. 1, Prince George Co. 4, and Waverly Volunteer Fire Department.
Attendees were first greeted by Lee Chappell, the co-op’s vice president of operations. “In working with high voltage electricity, safety is at the forefront of our minds each day,” Chappell expressed. “We want to ensure that we’re doing our part in utilizing our live line safety trailer to teach our community what to do when faced with everyday situations involving electrical hazards. Tabletop discussions and safety demonstrations like this give us the opportunity to help others avoid the consequences of an incident involving electricity like severe injury or death.”
Having been a volunteer firefighter for Waverly Co. 1 in Sussex for 25 years, co-op Linecrew Foreman Jason Jessup knows the importance of safety while responding to an emergency. Jessup presented attendees with scenarios and hazard recognition tips to help emergency responders in assessing the scene so they can provide the safest assistance possible. “There’s probably some sort of electrical hazard at most emergency scenes and training and education are vital tools for an emergency responder to have,” Jessup says.
Following the presentation, Journeyman Lineman Chris Pruitt conducted a live line safety demonstration. With the help of co-op apprentice lineman Marshall Bryant, Pruitt showed attendees how they should be sure to use caution with the dangers they may not readily identify with the naked eye. “Even though you know there’s someone there that needs help, these scenarios can happen, and you need to protect yourself.”
PGEC plans to show the demonstration to as many community organizations as possible to drive home this essential message that can help save a life.