PGEC Board of Directors
Prince George Electric Cooperative is governed by a board of nine directors representing the service territory. These directors are member-owners of the cooperative and live within the area they represent. Directors are elected to a three-year term by the membership during the annual meeting voting process.
Paul H. Brown

District 2 (Blackwater-Brandon)
Paul H. Brown has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since April 2008 and currently serves as the chairman of the board of directors. Mr. Brown has had a successful career in the banking industry and currently lives in Prince George County.
Keith M. Dunn

District 6 (Stony Creek-Sussex Courthouse)
Keith M. Dunn has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since December 2019. He is a lifelong resident of Sussex County and the 5th generation to farm his family's land. Mr. Dunn also serves on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Committee and the United Soybean Board.
Herbert R. Patrick

District 9 (Rives)
Herbert R. Patrick has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since May 1984 and currently serves as the secretary-treasurer of the board of directors. He is a lifelong resident of Prince George County and retired from Honeywell. Mr. Patrick also serves on the Regional Headquarters Inc. board of directors and the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperative board of directors.
Richard B. Scott

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
District 3 (Guilford)
Richard B. Scott has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since February 1991 and currently serves as the assistant secretary-treasurer of the board of directors. Mr. Scott is a lifelong resident of Surry County, having spent most of his life in the farming industry. He also serves on the Surry County Farm Bureau board of directors.
John M. Brock

District 4 (Cobham-Blackwater)
John M. Brock has served as a director of Prince George Electric Cooperative since August 2001. Mr. Brock is a third-generation farmer and is the owner of Bacons Castle Peanut Farm. He is from Surry County where he currently resides.
Denya C. Hankerson

District 7 (Templeton)
Denya C. Hankerson has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since February 2014. Ms. Hankerson is originally from New Jersey and moved to Virginia in 2000. Ms. Hankerson retired from the United States Army in 2005 and currently serves on the Prince George County Electoral board of directors.
Matthew P. Carden

District 8 (Dinwiddie)
Matthew P. Carden has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since May 2013.
Brian E. Coey

District 1 (Bland)
Brian E. Coey has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since August 2018. In 1982, Mr. Coey opened Prince George Pharmacy and owned and operated the business for 32 years. Mr. Coey also serves on the Prince George Emergency Crew board of supervisors, the Prince George Ruritan board of directors, and is a member of the Petersburg Rotary.
James Corl
District 5 (Waverly-Wakefield-Newville)
James "Jamie" Corl has served as a director for Prince George Electric Cooperative since April 2023. Prior to his appointment, Corl held many positions, including School Bus Technician at Sussex County Public Schools, Equipment Operator at VDOT, and currently the President and former board member of Sussex County Farm Bureau. Corl attends Waverly Congregational Christian Church, where he has served as a deacon and is currently a trustee. He also serves as president of Sussex Newville Hunting Club.