Mar 10, 2024
Today is the start of daylight savings time! Remember when you “lose” an hour of sleep, Prince George Electric Cooperative can help you gain some rest back when you set your monthly payments on autopilot. “Spring forward” into the convenience of one less thing that may keep you up tonight with the hassle-free automatic payments of bank draft and Autopay.
There are currently more than 3,000 members who will not lose an hour of sleep tonight wondering if they made their PGEC bill payment thanks to Auto Pay and bank draft. Join them in setting up automatic payments from a card or bank account through SmartHub.
“These free, checkless payment options offers members the convenience of having their bill deducted from their bank account on their due date,” said Sandra Jarratt, the co-op’s manager of member services. “You won’t have to remember to make a payment and you’ll save yourself some time and postage.”
To enroll in autopay or bank draft, log into your PGEC SmartHub account and choose your payment option under the “Billing & Payments” tab.