Dec 14, 2023
As your electric cooperative, we realize that decreasing temps bring an increase in heating costs. With its suite of SmartHub mobile app features, Prince George Electric Cooperative is offering tips for members to help lessen the impact of higher heating costs.
Be sure to:
Examine seals on doors and windows to check for air leaks
Caulk and add weather strips as needed to seal in warm air and energy savings
Examine outlets for air leaks, and where necessary, install gaskets around the outlet to prevent drafts
During the day, open curtains or drapes on south-facing windows to enable sunlight to heat your home naturally
Use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature as low as is comfortable when you are home (ideally around 68 degrees).
Turn the temperature down 10-15 degrees for eight hours, when you are asleep or away. According to the Department of Energy, this small adjustment can help you save approximately 10 percent a year on heating costs
In following these tips, be sure to download the co-op’s SmartHub mobile app to monitor energy usage changes. Having this information at your fingertips can help you make “real-time” lifestyle adjustments to save for the remainder of the season. The mobile app can be downloaded and installed on your mobile phone or tablet via your devices’ app store (Apple Sore or GooglePlay).
For more information, be sure to visit www.pgec.coop/smarthub.