Sep 3, 2024
Prince George Electric Cooperative recently donated nearly 50 bags of school supplies in support of Mars Hill A.M.E. Zion Church’s annual “Back to School Bash” event.
Supplies included notebooks, pencils and crayons. Brittany Tann, the co-op’s senior communications specialist, expressed her sentiments about the co-op’s contribution. “One of the most satisfying aspects of working for a co-op is the opportunity for genuine community engagement,” Tann says. She expressed that this was her second year coordinating the co-op’s participation in the back-to-school event. “We understand that times may be tight for everyone, and we want you to know that we’re more than just an energy provider. Being able to help parents relieve some of the financial burden of preparing their children to return to school goes a long way.”
In addition to its commitment to supporting community initiatives that serve local students, the co-op also helps local teachers purchase supplies and educational materials through its Round Up for Education program. Round Up for Education allows members to round up their monthly bill to the next whole dollar with the extra pennies set aside for use by teachers at the area school of their choice.
As a member, you can support a local school of your choice today! Just provide the following information: Name on Account, Account Number(s), School for Donation and Phone number. Email the information to info@pgec.coop or mail to P.O. Box 620, Waverly, VA 23890.
Educators are encouraged to apply for the funds available thanks to the donations of our members here: https://www.pgec.coop/round-up