PrePay is Prince George Electric Cooperative's new payment option that allows you to choose how much and how often you want to pay before you use electricity. PGEC's PrePay program works similarly to a pay-as-you-go cell phone or debit card. Members pay for their electric service in advance, and each day, the available balance is deducted based on your use.
PrePay service requires no security deposit and allows members greater control over their finances. Additionally, there are no late payment fees and no reconnection fees. This payment program is available to Residential and Small General Service members with 200 amp service and certain necessary metering equipment at the member's service location.
PrePay Program Features
No Monthly Bills
Use and payment information is available on a daily basis through SmartHub, by downloading the SmartHub app, or by using PGEC's automated phone system SecurePay at 804-834-2424, option #2.
Payment Options
Payment options include all payment methods available to members except auto draft and recurring credit card payments.
Greater flexibility in planning monthly expenses.
Call Customer Service at 804-834-2424 for more information or to check on eligibility - or stop by our office to see if PrePay is right for you!
Eligible members will need to read and sign the Terms and Conditions Summary before PrePay service can begin.